Course BPOI-007: IT Skills
Max. Marks: 100 Course Code: BPOI-007
Answer any 10 questions. All questions carry equal marks (10 x 10)
BPOI-007 Assignments
1. What is memory? And how RAM is different from ROM.
2. Explain CPU and what are the main functions of CU and AU?
3. Explain any five features of Search Engine.
4. Define Information security and what is the difference between Information Security and Computer Security.
5. Explain pie chart and bar chart in MS-Excel.
6. Explain MS power point and list the different kinds of views available to format the slides.
7. Explain step-by-step to insert a sound on the slide.
8. Explain the importance of MS word and the feature called as mail merge.
9. What is virus and classify different types of viruses available.
10. Name the page file options and what measures are taken to perform the dynamic charting.
11. Explain the procedure of sharing of data between Web Server and Web Clients and explain the components of the IP address
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