(Based on Blocks 1-8)
Course Code: ATR-01/2020-21
Max. Marks: 100
Attempt all questions.
lHkh iz’uksa dk mÙkj nhft, A
1. Translate the following prose into Hindi. 15
fuEufyf[kr x|ak’k dk fganh esa vuqokn djsaA
A man and a young teenage boy checked into a hotel and were shown to their room. The receptionist noted the quiet manner of the guests and the pale appearance of the boy. Later, the man and boy ate dinner in the hotel restaurant.
The staff again noticed that the two guests were very quiet and that the boy seemed disinterested in the food. After eating, the boy went to his room and the man went to ask the receptionist to see the manager. The receptionist initially asked if there was a problem with the service or the room, and offered to fix things, but the man said that there was no problem of the sort and repeated his request.
When the manager appeared, he took him aside and explained that he was spending the night in the hotel with his fourteen-year-old son, who was seriously ill, probably terminally so. The boy was very soon to undergo therapy, which would cause him to lose his hair. They had come to the hotel to have a break together and also because the boy planned to shave his head, that night, rather than feel that the illness was beating him. The father said that he would be shaving his own head too, in support of his son.
He asked that staff be respectful when the two of them came for breakfast with their shaved heads. The manager assured the father that he would inform all staff and that they would behave appropriately. The following morning the father and son entered the restaurant for breakfast. There they saw the four male restaurant staff attending to their duties, perfectly normally, all with shaved heads.
No matter what business you are in, you can help people and you can make a difference.
2. Translate the following prose into English. 15
fuEufyf[kr x|ka’k dk vxzsath esa vuqokn dhft,A
jktk ds njckj esa ,d O;kikjh lanwd ds lkFk igq¡pkA mlus xoZ ls dgk] ^egkjkt] eSa O;kikjh gw¡ vkSj fcuk cht ,ao ikuh ds isM+ mxkrk gw¡A vkids fy, eSa ,d vn~Hkqr migkj yk;k gw¡] ysfdu vkids njckj esa ,d&ls&,d Kkuh&/;kuh gSa] 4
blfy, igys eq>s dksbZ ;g crk, fd bl lanwd esa D;k gS\ vxj crk nsxk rks vkids ;gk¡ pkdjh djus dks rS;kj gw¡A^
lHkkln iafMrksa] iqjksfgrksa vkSj T;ksfrfष;ksa dh vksj ns[kus yxs] ysfdu mu yksxksa us flj >qdk fy,A
lHkk esa xksuw >k Hkh mifLFkr FksA mUgsa mldh pqukSrh Lohdkj djuk vko’;d yxk] vU;Fkk njckj dh tx&g¡lkbZ gksrhA xksuw >k us fo’okliwoZd dgk] ^eSa crk ldrk gw¡ fd lanwd esa D;k gS] ysfdu blds fy, eq>s jkrHkj dk le; pkfg, vkSj O;kikjh dks lanwd ds lkFk esjs ;gk¡ Bgjuk gksxkA lanwd cnyk u tk,] bldh fuxjkuh ds fy, ge jkrHkj txs jgsaxs vkSj O;kikjh pkgs rks igjsnkj Hkh j[kok ldrs gSaA^
lHkh eku x, vkSj O;kikjh xksuw >k ds ;gk¡ pyk x;kA
jkrHkj nksuksa lanwd dh j[kokyh djrs jgsA jkr dkVuh Fkh] blfy, fdLLkk&dgkuh Hkh pyrh jghA ckrphr ds dze esa xksuw >k us dgk] ^HkkbZ] dqN fnu iwoZ eq>s ,d O;kikjh feyk Fkk] mlus Hkh ;gh dgk Fkk fd fcuk cht&ikuh ds isM+ mxkrk gw¡A isM+ksa esa Hk¡kfr&Hk¡kfr ds Qwy f[kyrs gSa] og Hkh jkr esaA D;k vki Hkh jkr esa isM+ mxkdj Hk¡kfr&Hk¡kfr ds Qwy f[kyk ldrs gSa\
3. Write short notes on: 5x 4 = 20
laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k,
a) oSKkfud vuqokn
Scientific Translation
b) cgqvuqokn
Multiple Translation
c) vR;kuqokn
Over -translation
d) ’kSyh vkSj jftLVj
Style and Register
e) cksfy;k¡
4. dk;kZyk;h vuqokn dh izeq[k fo’ksषrkvksa ij izdk’k Mkfy,A 10
Explain the main features of official translation.
5. ukV~;uqokn dh izeq[k fo’ksषrk,¡ crkbZ;sA 10 Discuss the main features of translating drama.
6. vuqokn dh izeq[k fo’ksषrkvksa ij izdk’k Mkfy,A 10
Explain in features of literary translation.
7. vuqokn dh ifjHkkषk D;k gS\ vuqokn ds fofHkUu izdkjksa esa vUrj crkb;sA 10
What is translation? Distinguish the various types of translation.
8. Translate the following words into Hindi: 10
fuEufyf[kr ’kCnksa dk fgUnh esa vuqokn djsaA
a) Adhoc
b) Eligibility
c) Deputy Commissioner
d) Appointment
e) Withdraw
f) Political
g) Constitution
h) Finance
i) Additional
j) Withhold
ATR-01 (2020-21) EM ISC
₹300 Original price was: ₹300.₹200Current price is: ₹200.
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