India: Earliest Times to 8th Century A.D. Course Code: EHI-02 (2022-23) ENGLISH

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India: Earliest Times to 8th Century A.D.
Course Code: EHI-02
Assignment Code: EHI-02/AST/TMA/2022-2023
Total Marks: 100
Note: All questions are compulsory. Marks are indicated against each question.
Section 1: Answer each question in about 500 words.
1. Discuss the Mesolithic cultures of India? 20
Discuss the town planning, drainage and architectural features of Harappan Civilization.
2. What are the main features of the Society, economy and polity of the early Vedic period? 20
Examine the nature of administrative structure, society and polity of the Guptas.
Section 2: Answer each question in about 250 words.
3. Write an essay on sixteen Mahajanpadas 12
Discuss the Megalithic culture of India.
4. What were the main features of the administrative organization of the Mauryas? 12
What were the factors which led to the rise of Magadha?
5. Write a detailed note on Sungas and Kushanas. 12
Discuss the main features of the trade and urbanization in the period between 200 BCE –
200 CE.
6. Discuss the early state formation in Deccan.
Discuss the growth of Tamil Language and literature.
Section 3: Answer in about 100 words each.
7. Write short notes on any two of the following: 6 + 6
a) Ashoka’s Dhamma.
b) Mauryan Art
c) Buddhism
d) Bhakti Ideology
